0 Items(s) - $0.00

You must complete each item separately and add to cart. You will need to input your employee number and payroll date for each item you are adding to cart. When finished adding items, click the 'Checkout' button. On the next page you will see a total of all items added to your cart.

*IMPORTANT*  Please do not under pay or over pay.  Pay the exact amount owed per each category/benefit.  If you have questions about what is due for the pay period you are paying, please call Talent (863.687.1310) for the amounts to be emailed to you.  

Thank you in Advance!

LRH Employee # *

Payroll End Date *

Amount *

Add to Cart    Checkout
Item #: 999


While on LOA (Leave of Absence), it is your responsibility to keep your Medical benefits current. If payments are not keep current, you risk losing coverage. To pay the correct balance due, please email TalentServices@myLRH.org or call 863.687.1310 and hit 0 to speak to a Talent Representative to see the exact amount that is due.

For questions or additional information please contact

TalentServices@mylrh.org or call 863-687-1310